A Rehearsed Reading

Waiting.... by Dave Duggan

Good Relations Week

Thursday 20th September


The Junction, Bishop Street


Waiting…. was written by Dave Duggan for Sole Purpose Productions in 2000 to explore the issue of political ex-prisoners and victims and the theme of ‘moving on’. The production toured across Ireland and was staged in the Writing on the Wall Festival in Liverpool, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and in New York.


The play examines how do people who have been victims of the conflict in Northern Ireland, either through the loss of loved ones or through serving lengthy prison sentences, ‘move on’? What were the issues 20 years ago, what are they now…, and what next? Waiting….brings two such people together through the medium of theatre. The characters explore their pasts and the possibilities for their future. The theatrical context provides a safe structure to explore the legacy of the conflict.


The Rehearsed Reading, for Good Relations Week, will be performed by John Mulkeen and Sorcha Shanahan and will be followed by a discussion with Dave Duggan chaired by Patricia Byrne. This event will look at the legacy of the conflict 20 years after the Good Friday Agreement and explore issues for political ex-prisoners and victims then and now.
Everybody welcome.
This event is supported by Derry City and Strabane District Council

Bringing professional theatre to communities

Sole Purpose is a company limited by guarantee, registration number NI37481 and is recognised by the Inland Revenue as a charity, reference number NIC100618